Goal Orientated

Occupational Specific
We can prepare you for the physical demands of entry into......
Defence Force - Army, Navy, Air Force.....
Fire Fighters
Ambulance Service
Police Force....
Including other occupations that require a standard entry level of physical fitness/ability
Do you do it for Fun/Charity or Recreation? Are you Semi Pro, wanting to go Pro?? Maybe you have a bucket list?
What ever level you are currently participating at, or what ever your goals are. We can help prepare or improve your status in any of the following.......
City to surf
Fun runs
Challenges (Tough Mudder, Raw, Spartan race....
Tri Athlons
Loop the lake
Across the lake - Lake Macquarie
Formulating and Implementing training programs that focus on considerations for special populations. We can provide a standard of accommodations for physical, mental or emotional differences of disadvantaged groups or individuals that could include.....
Children's Training
Older Adults Training
Neurological disorders
Mental Health
All Sporting clubs
All Sporting Teams
Any Event, Local, Regional, State, National.....
School Sporting events, regional, state, national......
Individuals competing of other
The workshops/clinics and lectures would be delivered by leading accredited industry experts, such as......
Sports Scientists, Lvl 1, 2 and 3 Strength and Conditioning Coaches, Exercise Physiologists, Sports Psychologists, Massage Therapists, High Performance Coaches, Exercise Specialists......
Some of the subject areas covered are
Nutrition (Sports performance, deficiencies related to exercise...)
Goal Setting Strategies and Techniques
Motivational Strategies and Techniques
Recovery and Injury Management Strategies
Life skills
Special Populations
Sports Performance Clinics
How To Develop Strength, Power and Speed
Sport Specific Skills and Drills (Individual /Positional Roles also)
Sports Psychology and more.....
Our aim is to improve standards and increase awareness from Grass Roots level and beyond within the Sports, Fitness, Recreation and Leisure Industry. Promoting a Holistic Health/Wellness approach, that addresses the body, mind and spirit or the physical, emotional/mental and spiritual aspects of an individual. It's about the essence of who you are, your core self.
A holistic health approach doesn't view the body, mind and spirit as separate entities and promotes drugs and surgery only when absolutely essential and after other solutions have been sought. It looks for the underlying causes of symptoms, rather than just covering up the symptoms with a drug.
The body, mind and spirit are not independent of one another. They are intertwined. What affects one affects the others. A philosophy that focuses on only one aspect is an incomplete approach.
Special Populations

What we can offer our clients

Personal Training
Usually the first thing that surfaces when we think of Fitness or Personal Training is ....Hard Work, Sweat, Pain, Screaming and Yelling, Heart Ache, Disappointment, Hunger, Diets, intimidating Gyms, Ruthless Personal Trainers......
The 'problems' and intimidating / negative thoughts can go on forever.
Well, let me explain a few things.....
Personal Training is more than Gym Memberships, Fitness, Lorne Jane, Pre Work Out Supplements and Eating Like a Sparrow. In Fact, it would Not matter if you never walked into a gym, wore a Lorne Jane outfit, took a pre work out supplement or ate like you're going to get yelled at.
Throw your money around (if you can afford to) , if it makes you feel good? That's ok too. 'Each to thier own' as we say.
The point I am trying to make is, it just doesn't matter. It's an Individual thing really, and if it helps you get to where you want to be, then Fantastic.
At D2W the only things we expect are, that You Communicate, are
Honest and make the Effort. It's not always Fun, but we will always try.
Fitness is more than using fancy gym equipment, trying to keep up with the latest trends, jogging after every meal, being motivated by guilt or fear, being intimidated by advertising campaigns designed to make you feel horrible (when you probably already do), thinking that everyone has the same body type and that you should be looking like you did before you had children or when you were 16 years old. Let's be realistic!!
The thing is, there are so many choices out there and choices have to be made. However, once you work your way through all the.... myths, misconceptions, unrealistic expectations and Goals, false promises, supplements, fad diets, magic shakes, soups, pills, wrist bands and the like. All you usually end up with is a pessimistic attitude, a heap of left over soups, shakes and a demtel Ab Twister apparatus under your bed.
Depressing or What?!
Let us Educate you along the way, properly! Better Chance of long term success.........
No intimidation, No False Promises, No Fad Diets(Better Nutritional Choices), No Problems (Only Challenges), No Unrealistic Goals or Expectations, No pills, No wrist bands, and No making you feel bad because you missed a few sessions.
Products for... Injury Management /
Exercise and Wellness
Purchase a variety of products from us!
We Guarentee Genuine savings. How? We are Registered Whole salers which means we can pass those savings and specials directly onto YOU.
The Products are designed to assist you with exercise programs, such as....
Flexibility, Core Strength, Anatomical Adaption, Muscular Strength, Muscular Endurance, Injury management (Re habilitation), Injury Prevention (Pre habilitation), Sports Performance and More.......

RESUMES / CVs, call them what you want! It is quite literally what stands between You and The next step in getting the Job You Want. We will have You Competing at a level that will see You be more than a formidable candidate for that position. In an ever increasingly demanding work place that is as Ruthless as it is rewarding, You need to present yourself by addressing the relevant Key points, ensuring you make it difficult for HR to put your Resume on the massive pile, on the side table.
Sure, You can use Resume Templates, google tips and the like. Our aproach is like Personal Training....It Is Personal, unique and Specific to You.
We will assist you in avoiding resume 'Turn offs'
Using 'power' words that will give the person reading Your resume a better insight into YOU.
Ensure Your Resume is relevant to the Employee and the Position.
Our efforts will get You results.
Prices start from $50.00 (printed)
Strength and Conditioning

Improving S&C is something that is often associated with Semi Professional and Professional Athletes.
Programs such as these can be of benefit to just about anyone, incorporated into any life style choice, situation or age group.
What ever your S&C Goals are, Programs or Periodised Programs, can be Formulated to meet Your Specific needs in any of and Not restricted to the following areas.....
Sporting Goals - Reduce injury, improve performance, peaking at the appropriate times during your competion phases at any level. Avoid detraining throughout the off-season
The Work Place - Improve performance, reduce risk of injury, returning from an injury.....
Improve your General wellbeing and feel great
Preparing for your first Tri athlon, Swim the lake, marthon run or bike ride
Improving Your.... Muscular Endurance/Strength, Lactic Threshold, Core S&S, Speed Endurance, Functional Movement/Capacity, Max Power/Strength, Recovery times(Psycologically and Physically), Fast Feet/Agility(lateral movement/change of direction speed), ReactionTimes, aerobic power, anaerobic capacity, strength and flexibility